Washing & Care

Trockenes Haar - Welches Shampoo brauche ich?

Dry hair - which shampoo do I need?

Dry hair can be frustrating, but with the right shampoo you can restore shine and smoothness to your hair. Here you can find out which shampoos are best for dry...

4 typische Fehler in der Lockenpflege ➡️ & wie du sie vermeidest ✅

4 typical mistakes in curly hair care ➡️ & how to avoid them ✅

Whether you're just starting your curl or wave routine , or you're already in the middle of it: the following 4 typical mistakes in the care of textured hair apply...

Co-Wash Methode für fast alle Lockentypen

Co-Wash: The gentle form of hair washing

The days when washing hair for natural curls and waves was a real strain are long gone thanks to coordinated and nourishing curl products! And yet many curlies prefer to...

Kalkhaltiges Wasser bei Locken

Hard water: A danger for your hair?

Water is an essential element for survival and our elixir of life. Our hair also thirsts for moisture. However, hard water is often anything but beneficial for your locks. But...

Locken färben: Strähnchen und Curlyage für lockiges Haar

Dyeing curls: Highlights and curlyage for curly hair

Curls are always an eye-catcher, but despite admiring our voluminous, tousled manes, many of us curlies sometimes long for a change. A new hair color can be just the thing...

Locken waschen » Das solltest du als Curly Girl beachten ✓

Washing curls » This is what you should keep in mind as a curly girl ✓

Do you dream of this as a curly-haired person? Simply washing your hair like you see in advertisements? Shampoo, rinse, rub dry with a towel, comb, style, done! But when...
