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Kristina is the founder of Lockenbox & Lockenexpertin. She has been intensively involved with the topic of curly hair care since her youth, when her straight hair suddenly turned into curls.


Kristina is the founder of Lockenbox & Lockenexpertin. She has been intensively involved with the topic of curly hair care since her youth, when her straight hair suddenly turned into curls.

Finally, curly hair! Those who decide to get a perm and want to care for it properly often do so with particular enthusiasm. After all, the new curls should last as long as possible - and above all , remain beautifully defined . But are products for natural curls also suitable for chemically altered hair? And which styling products will get the best out of your curly mane? We have the right care tips ready to ensure that your permed hair gives you long-lasting joy.

Proper care for a perm – the challenge for freshly baked curly heads

While women with naturally curly hair have had many years to understand their curly hair and find a suitable care routine, the topic of caring for a perm is a mystery for those with freshly curly hair. The initial joy and the confident look in the mirror are followed by a reality check at home. All of your old care products are intended for straight hair - and that has completely different needs.

So you research online how to keep your perm looking good for longer with the right care tips. And since the perm is making a comeback and the topic is more relevant than ever, hundreds of pages of recommendations pop up in no time. How are you supposed to separate the wheat from the chaff?

This is where we come in and give you a helping hand! As care experts for curly hair, we know exactly what curly hair needs - and also which styling tips you can use to get the best out of it.

How does a perm work?

The key to properly caring for your perm is to understand how it works. Transforming straight hair into lush curls is only possible with the help of a chemical reaction. During a perm, the hairdresser applies thioglycolic acid to your hair, which reacts with the keratin in your hair and softens your hair structure . Keratin is otherwise responsible for keeping your hair nice and firm. It also forms cysteine ​​bonds between individual hair molecules. These are softened by the thioglycolic acid, so that the softened hair can then be shaped into a new shape using curlers.

In order to fix the hair again so that it retains the new curl shape, the hairdresser then applies hydrogen peroxide . The oxidation that this triggers causes the remains of the sulfhydryl groups to form new dysulfide bonds, which make up the hair creatine. The result: the hair then stays in the shape given by the curlers.

What are the special needs of permed hair?

Unfortunately, there is no getting around it: a chemical treatment such as a perm always damages the hair structure and makes the hair shaft more porous. This is because the perm preparations dissolve part of the hair substance, which leads to hollow spaces in the hair. That is why it is essential to care for your perm properly if you want to keep your hair healthy.

After a perm, your curls are particularly dry and damaged. Protecting the hair structure and reducing subsequent damage should therefore be your top priority when caring for your perm. And you can achieve this with a good hair care routine consisting of curl shampoo, conditioner, hair treatment and the right styling products that provide your hair with plenty of moisture and proteins and strengthen it with nourishing oils .

Can I maintain my perm with curling products - and which ones?

In short, yes, of course! No matter what hair structure you have: cleaning, caring for and styling are the cornerstones of any care routine. However, in order for your care products to get the best out of your curly hair, they must be tailored to its needs. Special curl products are designed to keep curly hair silky soft while maintaining its bounce. They are richer in their formulation , as curls tend to be dry and frizzy. While straight hair is weighed down by the nourishing oils and hangs down flat as a result, products specifically for curly hair refresh your curly mane and give it back shine and definition .

It makes no difference whether you are blessed with natural curls or have used chemicals to help them . Just like naturally curly hair, you can also care for a perm optimally with curl products. You can use the Curly Girl Method as a model for your new care routine. As a newly minted Curly Girl with a perm, the principles and care tips described in it are now just made for you.

How do I wash permed hair?

Straight hair looks greasy more quickly, so you're probably used to washing your hair every day or every other day. The advantage of a perm is that your hair doesn't get greasy as quickly. This means you spend less time styling your hair in the morning - and your morning routine looks much more relaxed thanks to the extra minutes.

If washing your curls too often is damaging them and only putting unnecessary strain on them, what should your new washing routine be? We recommend cleaning your perm every three days with a curl shampoo and then caring for it well afterwards. This will keep the curl pattern in your hair longer. It's best to use a gently formulated shampoo like the Chey Gentle Cleansing Shampoo with avocado oil and matcha extract.

Full of valuable antioxidants, it helps damaged hair to become stronger and, thanks to papaya extract, also promotes hair growth.

After washing, you should never rub your damp locks dry to avoid damaging the hair structure unnecessarily. Instead, grab a T-shirt towel and gently squeeze your hair with it.

Which products are best for maintaining my perm?

After a chemical treatment, your hair is dry and damaged. To have long, beautiful curls, you now need to care for your perm with nourishing products. After every wash, you should use a conditioner for curly hair . It closes the cuticle of your hair and gives permed hair more shine . The Rose Water & Honey Conditioner from Flora & Curl, for example, gives your curls a welcome moisture boost thanks to rose water and aloe vera.

While the conditioner is absorbing, you should carefully detangle your hair. Aggressive brushing will pull out your curls faster and damage your new hairstyle. To make your perm last longer, detangle your hair with a curling comb or detangler brush.

After you have detangled your hair and rinsed out the conditioner, you can care for your perm according to its individual needs. For example, if your curls are particularly dry, a weekly intensive hair treatment will help. The Matcha Boost protein shake from Ecoslay strengthens your new curls thanks to hydrolyzed quinoa and keratin proteins and fills in the gaps in your hair.

If you're struggling with frizz, you can use a curl serum like Pretty Curly Girl's Bye Bye Frizz Serum to keep your perm smooth.

How can I style my perm?

The best comes last: once you have cleaned your hair and nourished it with care products, it's time for the fun part. Finally, you can use styling products to transform your damp hair into a voluminous mane of curls. You can use styling foam or curl cream to better define your curl pattern .

Ultra-light in its formulation, the Weightless Whip Volumizing Foam, for example, provides impressive volume.

For more hold, you can use a curl gel like the Curl Defining Gel from Bali Curls beforehand. It's also worth having protein drops at home to give each product a dose of strengthening protein when your hair needs it. Thanks to a concentrated amount of wheat and rice protein, the formula has the perfect protein-moisture balance - perfect for regularly nourishing your perm with protein.

Since the heat from a hairdryer dries out and damages curly hair, you should avoid heat styling if possible. It is better to let your perm air dry . If you still don't want to do without your beloved hairdryer, use a diffuser and dry your hair on a lukewarm setting.

Which perm care tips ensure permanently beautiful curls?

Maintaining your perm should be fun! Especially if you're getting a perm for the first time, you should enjoy getting to know your hair again when it's curly. And so that you can quickly find a care routine that's perfect for your curly hair, we've developed our curl box.

It is perfect for newly curly haired people who want to keep their perm looking beautiful for longer with the right products. Instead of searching for suitable curl products yourself and laboriously gathering an arsenal of shampoos and conditioners, we deliver our hair care treasures directly to your door.

In our curl box you will find selected care products for curly and permed hair that will make your curl journey more relaxed than ever. All you have to do is sit back and let yourself be surprised - and soon you will be rocking a sexy mane of curls that will attract everyone's attention.

Discover the exciting world of curly hair care now! Experience the surprise that awaits you when you click on the button. We present you 4-5 first-class curly hair care products & unique accessories from our shop, month after month.

The best part? The value of this box far exceeds the price you would pay for the individual products. What are you waiting for? Click on the curl box now and immerse yourself in a world full of curl care!

Check out our other curl tips posts: